The Leghorn: An Egg Laying Machine The Leghorn is a standout among chicken breeds, renowned for its prolific egg-laying abilities and distinctive appearance. Originating from Italy, this breed is...
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Preserving Our Poultry Past: The Vital Role of Heritage Breed Chickens
In an era dominated by industrial agriculture, where efficiency often trumps diversity, heritage breed chickens stand as guardians of our poultry heritage. These breeds, cultivated over centuries for...
Raising Your Chicks Week by Week We have covered hatching eggs, now let's dive into the world of raising your peeps to full grown chickens! Congratulations on your new chicks! If you hatched...
When you think of poultry, you quickly begin to think cute, fuzzy chicks and that leads to thinking of hatching eggs; so why not give it a try? Here we are going to talk about the basics of hatching...
These names have been confused for years and the confusion is more than just spelling, it is a mixed breed bird VS a true breed bird! It is easy to see why if you are new to chickens (or not), that...
If you keep a flock, I guarantee predators are lurking and watching your coop! No matter where you live - rural, urban, or somewhere in-between, something is licking its chops hoping for a free...